*>GCOB*>-<* *> Author: Brian Tiffin *> Dedicated to the public domain *> *> Date started: February 5th, 2017 *> Modified: 2017-02-07/16:42-0500 btiffin *>+<* *> *> callpascal.cob, Pascal integration with GnuCOBOL *> *> Tectonics: *> fpc -CD hellofpc.pp *> LD_RUN_PATH=. cobc -xj callpascal.cob -L. -l:libhellofpc.so *> identification division. program-id. callpascal. procedure division. callfpc-main. call "HelloFpc" using by value 42 end-call display "fpc returned: " return-code move zero to return-code goback. end program callpascal.